Tanks in the labyrinth 2

Tanks in the labyrinth 2

If you are in love with such a powerful fighting machine as a tank and love tank battles, we suggest taking part in them by running this interesting game. Here you have to act as a brave tanker, who will send his iron horse to a special range, where others are already waiting to fight for the desired victory. A huge maze conceals many deadly dangers, but can also give and victory. To achieve it, you must carefully plan your actions in a combat environment. Take into account many factors, including the material of the walls, because your own projectiles can ricochet and if you are sluggish, pierce the armor of the tank, leading to defeat. You also need to drive the tank wisely, because the tank is a very powerful armored vehicle, which can stop obeying the driver if you do not listen. Although, to be fair, it should be noted that the same fate may suffer and the enemy tanks. Therefore, when you need to turn or turn at speed or under the threat of hitting, be especially careful and quick. Engage in battle and move towards victory, crushing the forces of the enemy. We wish you victory!
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Игрок 1 Tanks in the labyrinth 2 Tanks in the labyrinth 2
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