In battle, gentlemen! Choose once from 4 techniques to become famous, any of which from its point of view is complex, from a measured firm to a tormenting meat grinder. Fight at 120 training grounds alone or with your own best other, in order to win, or simulate your own personal 990 battlefields. Storm and destroy the armor of the enemy to deserve the key goal - victory, but do not forget to defend your own base in the heat of battle, its destruction leads to the collapse of your entire mission. Critical mini bosses will meet along the way, and defeating them will not be the easiest walk. For the remarkable result shown during the battle, you will be awarded medals, and your exploits will not be forgotten and consolidated. Your enemies are perfectly armed, so try to apply as a landscape, such as disguise and protection, and prizes on the background of the battle, which will undoubtedly help to make a better weapon, turn your enemies into pieces or water in the ice for the crossing. Good luck! Chit Codes: The sidewalk of the cheat codes is activated by clicking on the player's base!
:Control of the game