Paintball Wars

Paintball Wars

We are very pleased to offer you for fun new game in the style of first-person shooter with multiplayer mode, which is not quite standard. There are no ordinary or hired soldiers, zombies or alien warriors. And you will need to play the world-famous paintball game, only with more stringent rules. The essence of the sports and entertainment game paintball is to hit the opponent with paintballs with special pneumatic rifles. In this game, you can play as two characters - a bad girl or a good guy. In direct access to eight options for modern and destructive weapons, specially designed for such games. The main fun is built on weapons. Another type of destructive weapon is a heart-shaped grenade with an arrow. Probably a hint that the warring parties can not only fight, but also to be friends. Occasionally, bad girls want to be tamed by good boys. The game offers a dozen original cards, each of which can meet in battle from two to two dozen players on both sides. There are two game modes available: guys against girls and classic Deathmatch, when everyone is fighting for himself. High quality graphics and great gameplay will surely make players experience a very bright and unforgettable experience.
:Control of the game

Paintball Wars - Кнопки WASD -Мышка TAB - menu TAB - меню P - полноэкранный SPACE - прижок R - перезагрузка SHIFT - запустить C - Присесть CTRL - склонный T - чат

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