Witch beauty salon

Witch beauty salon

All girls in the world want to look beautiful and be well-groomed. Witches are no exception to the rule. The times when all witches were considered to be ancient old women with ugly looks are long gone. We offer to be a stylist just for witches. Four lovely witches have come to your beauty salon to get help with their beauty. They want to get a full range of services, because they are going to go to Walpurgis Night celebrations soon. There's a coven coming up on Witch Mountain, and the characters want to look dignified and beautiful. You will need to make each of the four unusual clients makeup, arrange a beautiful hairstyle and choose a suitable outfit. Take enough time for each of the witches and turn them from just pretty girls into resplendent beauties. Show all your skills and talents to ensure that the visitors were satisfied. Otherwise, what the heck, they will cast a spell on you. This is a joke, of course. But in fact, you'll be able to have a good time, making your customers beautiful. Especially interesting this game will be for girls.
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Witch beauty salon
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