The transformation of the witch into a princess

The transformation of the witch into a princess

How much do you know about makeup? Even if you think it's a lot, take your time bragging. In this game you will have to solve a very difficult task of making a real princess out of a notebook witch. And it's really a non-trivial task, but if you have a sense of style, you'll definitely get a good result. It's time to get down to business! The first thing to do is to remove various unnecessary items from the witch's body, clean up all the dirt and be sure to comb through the shattered hair. The next step is to clean up the witch's face, which means that you will need to clean the skin from acne, pluck sprawling eyebrows. After that, apply a whole series of different cleansing and nourishing masks that will make the skin on your face look like velvet. And only after all these procedures can you apply a graceful makeup, make a beautiful hairstyle and pick up stylish clothes. And yet the miracle happened! Our heroine began to look like a princess! We wish you to become a real sorceress of style and beauty!
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The transformation of the witch into a princess
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