Tetro Cube

Tetro Cube

This game is created on motives of legendary Tetris which was born when the first players still used game consoles and cartridges to receive pleasure from a virtual reality. After that many computer games were devoted to this theme. This game can be undoubtedly referred to one of the most known for all times. Actually Tetris or its variants appeared on any device, portable or board game which allows to play virtual games. It was even realized as an object of art, when the tetris was played on a huge screen, which served as a wall of a large building. If you have not yet played the game Tetris, be sure to try it. Well, if there is already such an experience, even a big one, then nothing will prevent you from once again to enjoy the simple and at the same time fun game of laying dies of different shapes. Have fun!
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Tetro Cube
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