Save Red Square

Save Red Square

Destroy all structures (wood, auto glass) without exception and save the reddish cube in the barracks. Press into obstacles also keep the cube active. A puzzle with cute animation and sound. This is a fun game about 2 friends with Davis and Leo police officers as well as the town that makes interference luthadors as well as wife and daughter Davis killed as they decide to get even with the game is called inversion. There is a game, called sweetheart "Fearless Rescuers" or "rescue team", then the men understand the landslide, and thus do accumulate logs, remove the stones in order to make the way. Fun is adapted for the purpose of mobile devices. You will be able in the absence of any questions to set in motion the game Sparing the Red Rectangle in your own phone or tablet, thus the same way as the game is intentionally invented to mobile devices. The game is suitable with a view to the child. In this game can perform well as the smallest players, forming the presence of this their own powerful edges. You will be able to start their own processes, as long as your preschooler is captured by online games!
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Save Red Square
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