Couples yoga

Couples yoga

This arcade puzzle game about yoga with 3D modifications. For you are instructed to move the lobes of the torso, in order to fill the designated position in any degree. Happily, that your grace will constantly become the winner of all 3 yellowish stars without exception! In the final period of the younger generation is becoming more and more famous to work with yoga, as well as this is not only popular, but also expedient. By the way, if you are thinking about it, as well as how to force yourself to start training in yoga, in that case it is recommended to try the latest game-simulator procedures in yoga. The degree in the original game, as well as to thorough tutorials will not work, but equally with a view to the basics is most it! Before you a sandy beach and a young girl in sports clothes, sweetheart is fully released and ready for the procedures. Means at this time I can start training. In the left side of the lobe before you will appear exemplary position in the yoga, it remains only to reproduce it, moving our dummy because of the hands and feet. The areas for which it is possible to begin to take the pose are marked with a colorless circle.
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Couples yoga
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