Pixel cat mahjong

Pixel cat mahjong

This intellectual game is created in a pixelated graphic design and is a classic mahjong in its genre. The tiles here will depict all sorts of cute cats and all sorts of monsters from horror and horror movies. But they will still look cute because of the pixel graphics. So, you get to the playing field, completely covered with tiles. At first, you can only select two of the same tiles next to each other horizontally and vertically. Then they will just disappear from the field. When empty spaces begin to appear and within them are identical tiles, you can only remove them when they can be joined by no more than three lines. Of course, in the path of these imaginary lines should not be a single tile. Otherwise the move will be unsuccessful. For each successfully removed pair of tiles you get 10 points. If you don't see any successful moves at all, press the shuffle button and the remaining tiles will shuffle, creating new matches to continue the game. When you successfully remove all tiles from the field, then the game will count you in addition to the earned bonus points. Their number depends on how quickly you did everything and how many times you mixed the tiles. Then proceed to the next level to continue the exciting and rewarding game. It's really addictive, so don't miss your important stuff. Have a successful majdong!

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Pixel cat mahjong
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