Candy shuffle match 3

Candy shuffle match 3

There was an emergency at the candy factory in the candy shop. One of the sorting machines broke down and all production stopped. Now, in order for the lollipops to continue to be produced and hit the shelves, some of the work will have to be done manually. That you have to sort candy shape and color, so that the children could, as before to eat candy. At the top of the screen you will see the incoming candy, which will be arranged in random order. The task is to swap the candy so that the same candy will be next to each other. When three or more lollipops of the same color and shape are next to each other, they are taken off the conveyor belt to be placed in boxes. Thus, sorting candy, you will complete the task on the first level. After that you will go to the next level, and there will be a new task. We have no doubt that you will cope with all the tasks in the game, sort out all the sweets, and the children will be grateful to you. And most importantly, that with this game you are wonderful and interesting to spend time!
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Candy shuffle match 3
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