

This game is an interesting arithmetic puzzle game. It will not only help you to spend your free time, but also train your mathematical skills. By the way, not everyone will be able to play this game effectively, because you need to know or remember arithmetic at least at the initial level. Hasty decisions are completely unacceptable and every move must be done with a good thought in advance. After all, even the most successful game can be destroyed by one wrong move. The main task in game to collect a tile with number 2048 on the field 4x4. It seems simple, actually the problem is nontrivial. After the next move in a clean cell there will be a tile with number 4 or 2. When two tiles are moved in any one direction, they will merge into one with a number equal to the sum of the numbers. That is, if you move two tiles from 2 to the left, you get one from 4. You can't move tiles just so aimlessly, because it won't help to win, but will only confuse everything on the field. After all, if the free cells finish, and you can not add up the two already available, the game ends in a loss. This game has a lot of tactics passing and you can use them, or even develop your own to win.
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