Spunch Bob Block Party

Spunch Bob Block Party

Now you have the opportunity to play an analogue of the board game, in which the main character is a favorite of many cartoon characters Spunch Bob. This sponge constantly pleases its fans with new adventures. Those wishing to play a really cool game hit the right spot, because the characters of the most famous cartoons gathered today at the party to have a good time. And time is not wasted: the heroes decide to play an interesting game in which they will move on the game board, throwing a die. Any decent game requires refereeing, so that everyone followed the rules, and someone alone won. The player is only required to comply with the requirements appearing on the monitor. First, you need to get acquainted with the other participants in the game. The first opponent will be, of course, Spunch Bob. Next will go other cartoon characters, like the most dangerous penguin and friend Jimmy Neutron.
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Spunch Bob Block Party
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