Bob the robber 5

Bob the robber 5

Introducing a new game in the series about the robber Bob. This is the fifth part about the adventures of a clever thief who regularly looks for adventure and, of course, finds them. Here you will again have to plunge into exciting adventures with your head and take part in masterly robberies. You will find yourself in one mysterious and ancient cave, from which you will have to steal a very expensive gem. You will again lead the actions of the main character, and will have to start with small thieves. Bob's dexterity will obey valuable things in ordinary houses, shopping malls and other premises. The main purpose of the cave, is under very careful and versatile protection. There are video surveillance cameras, laser protection in two planes, even evil mummies are busy guarding the treasure. It is necessary to pass through the rooms step by step, breaking complex locks and neutralizing the guards. Will be caught and quite complex problems, when you have to think well for their solution. Since money will be hidden in almost every room, you should find safes and other caches to get the reward. Remember that you need to act quickly, because right on the hot trail is an experienced detective, who can appear at any time and catch a thief on the hot. If Bob is found, the game will be lost and you will have to start from the level start. We wish you success in your criminal adventures!
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Bob the robber 5
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