The game Counter Strike 1.6 .All mens, from small to large, love classical things. That's why you should pay attention to this legendary game. It has grown more than one generation of boys. The very first battles were held in computer clubs, where for hours teenagers fought to determine the strongest between terrorists and counterterrorists. Each had its own favorite weapon, which in the game was the most effective for a particular player. Some cards the players knew by heart. And although there is now a newer version of the game, this classic does not age and has many fans around the world. If this game is not familiar to you, then you should pay attention to it and be sure to plunge into the great atmosphere of battles. To play in online mode with colleagues around the world. There are different maps and many different weapons. The competition takes place between two teams - counterterrorists and terrorists. The battle lasts until the last member of the opposing team will be destroyed or until there is a bomb explosion. All players will hear the message that the bomb has been placed. If the bomb cannot be defused in a certain time, everyone will lose. The money earned for each round is worth spending on new weapons. There's an extra income for saving the hostages. It's always better to work with the team than to throw your head on the embrasures. It's the only way to win and achieve the coveted goal.
:Control of the game


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