Fly or Die

Fly or Die

This original game will interest the boys more. Your character is the last real man on earth, crowded with bloodthirsty monsters. The only way out of this situation is to land in the cockpit and try to fly away. The main task is to detect the zombie hive and blow it up. But until then, we will have to overcome a very long distance, divided into 3 levels. On each level you will fly on an aircraft that can be upgraded with various parts and devices such as a machine gun, body parts, additional engine, additional fuel tank, etc. The money will go into your account as you go through the game. You can spend it on improvements. The more fancy the plane, the more distance it is able to fly. This is one of the main tasks of the game, along with the destruction of as many zombies as possible. It is necessary to take care of a sufficient amount of fuel, because if it is not enough, the plane will fall early. Try to move each time to a longer distance, constantly upgrading your plane. On the map will appear points of useful bonuses such as a mega bomb and a machine gun. It is up to you to decide whether you can survive or stay on your plane for a longer time.
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Fly or Die
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