Zombie Ded Trigger 3D

Zombie Ded Trigger 3D

This is one of the best games in the genre of first-person shooter with great three-dimensional graphics and comfortable control. There are two original missions available, each of which will pass on its own map. The purpose of the first mission will be to protect Dr. Adams until he gets in the helicopter. Together with your client, you will travel through a military laboratory and destroy all zombies that will cross literally from everywhere. You have to prepare morally for a meeting with big zombie mutants who will be very difficult to destroy. To protect the doctor, you will need to test yourself as a sniper as well, which will give a new experience. The second mission will take place in a small village where there are also a lot of living dead. For a while, you will realize that you are trapped and now all you have to do is stay alive until help arrives. You can fight back and attack the attacking zombies with weapons from the presence of: an axe, a gun, a machine gun, etc. In addition to personal weapons, your fighter also has a first aid kit, grenades. In addition to the usual humanoid dead, you should beware of giant mutants filled with explosives. Use your ammunition wisely, but don't save much because you have to survive.
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