Master Mini Golf

Master Mini Golf

As you can tell by the name, you have to play golf here. To become a champion and get a trophy as a reward, you need to overcome 45 levels of the game. The game has three levels of difficulty and consists of three blocks. A small, lawn-grown field must be crossed by making as few hits as possible with a club on the ball and eventually roll it into the hole. This process will not be difficult at the beginning, but as you continue, the level of play will increase and at the end you will need to be really skilled and do your best to hit the hole. You will need to carefully select the angle of impact and its strength to succeed. Gradually, more and more obstacles will appear on the golf course, making it difficult to pass successfully. However, you should not despair, but rather roll up your sleeves patiently and you will be lucky enough to win. If the ball doesn't fall on the lawn but in the water, the next blow will have to be taken from the same spot. There are 7 attempts to hit the target. Show patience and perseverance to win and win the deserved laurels. The game will be interesting for both adults and children.
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Master Mini Golf
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