Drunken boxers is a fervent fighting game, which will allow you to perform with your own other. As well as each other's boxing fun, you must be very strategic in order to get the biggest score or with a similar triumph to defeat your own opponent because of the small period.
More likely, for you in any way did not happen to observe in sports rings of drunk boxers? However, the same happens, even in the conventional society. You will be able to perform contrary to PC or call a friend to buy a competitor for the purpose of his own intoxicated warrior. The situation is complicated by the capital of boxers, both in the legs restrained with the work. However, this is not so important, the main, in order not to miss in any way according to the competitor. Try with some thought over also rapid blows to win the rival. Whether the fervor of the fight can also prevent opponents to completely withdraw in the alcoholic "Astral" is up to you.
:Control of the game
