GTA-Los Angeles stories 3 challenge accepted

GTA-Los Angeles stories 3 challenge accepted

This game is not for that to kill time, you will see the universe of masses of this "peaceful" and sunny metropolis. You will organize your own virtual criminal situation. In this game your character is an authentic Mob, participating in shooting, illegal racing and police chases during the missions. And the main funds from drug trafficking and super car theft. Do not forget about the police: drive a passerby, crash into a police car or shoot at your rivals, in this time the police will not let you go! It's a completely fresh map of the metropolis. All kinds of profitable buildings (they can be bought), missions with amazing merits. By getting a fresh weapon, your character deals more damage to opponents. Damage the transportation of drugs and destroy the products of opponents. Develop your own character to perfect control of the city mafia. A sandy beach, beautiful architecture of houses, the best recreational and shallow criminal metropolises await you. Hurry up and start the game...
:Control of the game
GTA-Los Angeles stories 3 challenge acceptedGTA-Los Angeles stories 3 challenge accepted
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