To the disappointment, for example, physiologically arranged people, actually they do not have all chances themselves, will overcome with diseases and microbes, but in many ways we ourselves are guilty, and that's when our personal protective cells leukocytes are not controlled with the parasites, to support come to people who have devoted themselves to the rescue of human lives doctors. First of all, when we badly we call for a quick medical support and it arrives in the host in seconds. By the way, a big role in this action takes the driver, from whose skill is dependent on how quickly support will be provided to the victim. Will you overcome with this task? You are a doctor and your main task, your main mission is to save the patient from death or from the terrible consequences that can cause their body disease. You need to get to the patient's place of arrival as soon as possible and help him as much as you can. Arm yourself with a mask, stethoscope and gloves and go! Your sick patients are waiting for you, do not put them in danger!
:Control of the game