Young titans stone, scissors, paper

Young titans stone, scissors, paper

The main characters of this game is a squad of young but heroic titans. Their location is the T-shaped tower, in which the guys live and hone their skills. The player can take part in the training of young titans. You can play as one against the system, there and with a friend. To begin with, you need to decide on your character. The team consists of five heroes, whose names are Cyborg, Beiste Boy, Raven, Starfire and Robin. Each has its own unique combat technique and special skills. The rules of the game are not complicated. Next to each bidder is a panel on which the signs of stone, scissors and paper will appear one by one. After the beep the player should click on the mysterious position as soon as possible or try to guess. Before the final result, under the character panel you can see a number. This is the percentage of damage inflicted after the attack. As soon as the health level of each of the participants in the training is over, the second character automatically becomes the winner in this round.
:Control of the game
Young titans stone, scissors, paper
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