Jewel christmas mania

Jewel christmas mania

Try this unique fun "Parking Fury 3D" also park your own cars according to the city. Your main task is not to get the cops in this crowded town. Success! You expect to go to a small town, in which place evenly and does not hurry to lose the life of the inhabitants of the city. The atmosphere in this area is very measured, and you will need some adjustment to this, organizing the noise in the municipal streets. Show your considerable professionalism, car garden in the most difficult circumstances. The game is divided into 10 degrees, in order to effectively advance according to how to overcome the established problem. Beloved is combined to this, in order to park the vehicle in different areas of the metropolis. Advancing to the greatest extent, prepare for this, that the level of their difficulties will grow. Sitting down because of the steering wheel of the car, proceed to regulate its movement according to the terrain of the metropolis, giving pianos with arrows. You need to overcome in this case, the role that will be established in the map. It will also be a parking lot, sending cars in what, your grace will be able to win a laurel wreath in the current tour. When moving adhere to the caution and beware of conflicts with other vehicles.
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Jewel christmas mania
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