Light it

Light it

This is a very basic and interesting puzzle game. Anyone should observe the economy of means. Start small: turn off the lights also turn them on. Arrive also throw the requirement to control the lights! "Light It On" perform the internet at no cost. Share the Internet fun "Light It On" with your friends in the social networks, or simply add it to bookmarks for yourself. This game is called "Turn Off the Light!" as you in the direct meaning of the need to turn it off. However, as is also customary in puzzles, to do this not so in this case is simple. Thus, in front of you a square area, consisting of light bulbs. To overcome (to find a solution degree), For you need to puzzle them all, without exception, until the total. The difficulty lies in this is that pressing in the light bulb, you switch does not only her position, but moreover, the position of its neighbors according to the horizontal and vertical. Initially, you are supposed to find a solution to the mystery of 4x4, but, in his own solution, you can pick up a different volume of the steppe with 2x2 up to 9x9. In the small volumes of resolution is banal, it is necessary to make a number of correct clicks in general, but with the increase of the steppe to find the resolution all without exception more difficult and more difficult.
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