The smurfs ocean cleanup

The smurfs ocean cleanup

Join one of the Smurfs as the Devil cleans the titan surrounding the hot Madeira, which the Devil calls his own townhouse. The Devil has been absolutely defeated by Gargamel and Azrael! You will receive coins for any object you can pull out of the water. You can exchange these coins for adorable upgrades that make the Smurf more powerful, or give him a longer fishing line, which will help him take more trash. You can also take precious riches and plumb stickers! Fun adapted for mobile units You can without any problem to throw fun The Smurfs: Cleaning the Ocean on your own phone or tablet, as the fun is especially invented for mobile units. The fun is suitable for children. In this fun is possible to cut and the smallest players, working out in this case their own powerful sides. You can mind your own business while your child is busy playing online!
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The smurfs ocean cleanup
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