Village defense

Village defense

Save your own village from the dinosaurs! Dispose of food in your own village, in order to employ heroes to protect the base. Two classes are readily available for the type of entertainment as well as formation. You are expected to make your way through ten exciting stages. "Defending the Village" execute internet free of charge. Share the internet fun "Village Defense" with your friends in the social networks, or simply add it for yourself to bookmarks. Fight with the support of the mouse or by clicking on the screen. Purchase beef in order to carry out more food with the goal of your own village. Use beef to employ agricultural people. You in addition can improve your own population by pressing them into the battle area. In the newest interesting fun of Village Defense you will get into the very foundation of our society. On our planet there were barbarian society, which lived in castes in small villages. Often enough castes fought with each other. In this way, because they had to resist the attacks of hostile predators. You are in the fun of today's Village Defense will protect 1 with a look similar villages. In front of you on the screen will be noticeable village, which is located in a particular area. In her side will be moving monsters. In your directive will be a special control panel with icons.
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Village defense
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