Chef's dream

Chef's dream

The Chef of Dreams is a cheerful cooking game. Immerse yourself in true cooking in the kitchen with little or no effort. You have to carry out customer requests as well to form a variety of appetizing dishes in the restaurant. Want to be a high-class chief cook and open your own personal cafe? You can try yourself in this process because of the interesting Internet-fun "Kitchen Boss-Cook: Cooking". Uncover it right now, as well as learn the intricacies of the culinary arts.V fun included rewards for the daily implementation of tasks. Fight any period, as you acquire a chance to get a large number of coins, which can be spent in obtaining the goods required in order to manufacture viands. With the purpose of this visit the mall, rather than go to the kitchen. Here, after all, you will be able to get special equipment, which you will need for you during the period of cooking. Uncover the diet of the restaurant, in order to get acquainted with the list of dishes that you expect to make for the guests.
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Chef's dream
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