Games Who Wants to Be a Millionaire online
The popular TV quiz, whose participant can earn a large sum of money with his own erudition and elementary luck, became a prototype of online games "Who wants to become a millionaire?". Intellectual TV show has millions of fans, only a limited number of people can take part in it. So that everyone could "work with the head", the developers came up with many versions of the game "Who wants to become a millionaire?". Any user of the site, even unregistered ones, can play for free in any "toy" from this series.
We have the game "Who wants to wants a millionaire?" for children, as well as new versions and options, which took the leading positions in the ratings in 2018 and even earlier. The rules of the TV Quiz are identical to the rules of computer "toys": 15 questions, 4 answer options, hints. In addition, virtual players have the option of "statistics block", which allows them to keep track of their successes and failures. Free games "Who wants to wants a millionaire?" / "Oh, lucky!" are available to all owners of PCs, gadgets and other devices with Internet access and an active browser.
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